The school has the following awards for the students in the school, which will be awarded on the founder day i.e.  8th April.

  1. Gold Medal for Head Boy
  2. Gold Medal For Head Girl
  3. Gold Medal for the best speaker.
  4. Trophy for all round best student.
  5. Gold medal for most disciplined Boy.
  6. Gold medal for most disciplined girl.
  7. Prizes for Debating, Elocution, Essay writing, Quiz, Calligraphy, Public Speaking, Extempore
  8. Maximum Attendance.
  9. Awards for meritorious academic performance, Class wise.

Scholar Badges– These are awarded to students who are declared scholars on the basis of a year’s academic performance.

Scholar Blazers–  These are awarded to students who are having earned badges for three consecutive years.

Scholar gold medals– For students who have earned scholar badges for six consecutive years.

Criteria for Scholar Badge– Scholar Badge is awarded form class IV onwards to encourage the students in their studies.

The following criteria are used :

  1. For students of class IV onwards, minimum 75% marks in all main subjects and minimum of 40% marks in other subjects in final report.
  2. A student who has earned scholar badges for 3 consecutive years will be awarded Blue blazer.
  3. Student who gets scholar badge for 6 consecutive years will be awarded a gold medal along with Blue Blazer and a Blue Tie.